
Sunday, February 20, 2011


Blogging is not something new to me with my experience of web design since i was 14, when Dreamweaver and Flash was still owned by Macromedia. But i never did realise that there was so much to web design or rather, i never took so much into consideration. My only concern was if it looked good and felt awesome to the eyes.

This practical assesment has definitely achieved a different approach of teaching as well as learning style for me and i would recommend to continue this approach.

It was an easy task to start off the blog as i own/have owned many blogs/websites in the past. It took me merely 15minutes before i started off my blogging journey.

The process of blogging was not the time consuming one, but the research of materials and reference to them were most tedious tasks.

I have learnt, believe it or not, to manage my time in designing, research, citations and penning my thoughts down. I did so by splitting the assignment up into parts and progressively doing one post at a time over a series of a few days. I wanted to post more but i could only handle so much, considering that this is the busy season at work without any lull period.

Well, i tried.

Theoretical development:
This is definitely a first academic blog for me and the experience is a little weird. however, it has taught me the fundamentals of web and print design as well as much more through my research from the nitty-gritty details of serif and sans serif fonts to the imagery and reading patterns. There is too much for me to list down here what i have learnt.

Like as the saying goes, Learning is a lifelong experience. I will continue to further study and explore the fundamentals of webdesign.

Just like any other social networking media, blogging is one of the many other online networking tool for new media. People from all over the world can access the information you post/share online.

It brings me much joy to understand this, but at the same time it makes me frown as i have to be very careful with my words. Especially when i am living in Singapore, where freedom of speech is not so free due to the media censorship. Vetting my own work is one precautionary measure i take before clicking the "publish" button.

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