
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Print publication: The Straits Time - Langkawi dolphin pens 'appalling'

Source: <,%20Langkawi%20dolphin%20pens%20appalling,%20The%20Straits%20Times.jpg >

Design Principles

The page is very well balanced with a dophin banner background and 2 illustrations of the same size rightin the centre. The text is equally divided into 5 columns below the image.

The picture of the dolphins form the largest constituition, followed by the headlines and the 2 other images.

The arrangement of the elements make readers start with the headlines followed by the pictures then the text.

All of The Straits Times publications have the same style in columnised and serif fonts in consistent paragraphing.

Graphic Aids

the main photograph is the picture of 5 dophins as the background and 2 other smaller pictures of the conditions of the dophins' living conditions.

Format Elements

The headlines which are large, bold and catchy are set at the top of the page to catch readers' attention.

The colour used here are subtle as it is a newspaper print. The photographs are not too contrasted to produce a soft touch.

Typographic Devices:
The typeface used is in serif font, like in almost all newspaper prints for readability and scannability.

The whitespace is minimal like in almost all newspaper articles to maximise the space in print.

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