
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Online publication: Monoface

Source: < >

Labelled 2nd top Flash website of 2010, Monoface is a site highly recommended to tickle your funnybones. Do click on the link above to have a laugh from a tough day's work.

Design Principles

There is no clear alignment here. Only a sidebar and an animated image in the centre.

There is no proximity as there is hardly any content to be close to each other.

There are only a few other pages with the same navigation bar on the left and the home button on the bottom right.

The contrast is outstanding with basically 3 colours - A white background, blue texts and black texts.

Design of Webpage

Visual weight:
The main visual weight here is only the image in the middle of the screen. No major text is present.

White space:
There is abundant whitespace for concentration on the main imagery of the page. This gives a very srtistic feel to the site.

The typeface used here is Arial font which is a sans serifs font. This is good for short texts and not recommended for long texts.

It is easy to navigate through the pages as the links are all in the left navigation column and i can return back to the home page when i go to another page by clicking 'back'. Page to page navigation is slower as it is a flash-based website and animation is present for graphic aesthetics.

For a website with such simple content, i would say, yes, it is very scannable as users can, in one glance, capture the main gist of everything.

High readability

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